Social Media ... It's Not For Everyone (Blogpost 8)

A brief read through of Jonathan Swift’s “ A Modest Proposal ” might leave you with the impression that Swift was a sick and twisted individual who enjoyed cannibalism and advocated for others to join in with him. Okay, so you can pick up your jaw from the ground and continue reading this blog post. Swift was no cannibal and he did not advocate for cannibalism. What he was arguing for were steps to prevent famine from continuing and overpopulation from occurring within Ireland. His method for argument, however, left some of his readers (including the Queen of England) to misinterpret his whole argument. Swift utilized irony and satire in his argument to the point that he confused people into believing that he was a cannibal. The proposal begins with Swift describing the fate of those children living in poverty. He describes how these children spend their time and limited energy searching for food. However, to rectify the issue at hand, at surface level it appears that Swif...