What's New About Satire? (Blogpost 2)

What makes satire, satire? Should one who wishes to use satire possess any special skills? What exactly is satire, and why is this blog post dedicated to it? Okay, so these may be some of the questions that you are asking yourself, and if you are, then you have clicked on the right blog post. Congratulations! I believe that I will start analyzing these questions in reverse order. Let’s begin. What is satire? According to the Norton Anthology, satire is, simply, “a genre … the communication, in the form of a letter between equals, complaining of the ills of contemporary society” (A 23). Satire is designed to ridicule, usually directed towards a person or a specific class, to point out their absurdity. This leads us to the next question concerning what skills are needed by one who wishes to employ satire . Being that satire attempts to ridicule a determined individual, or group, the one using satire to accomplish this must know how to use literary devices such as irony, sarcasm,...