JUST. LET. ME. WRITE! (Blogpost 6)

All English majors should read The Anonymous Lady’s “On Being Charged with Writing Incorrectly” ! Trust me, you will relate to her argument. Okay, so maybe not all English majors will relate to her argument, but most will. What constitutes “correct” writing? Does the answer lie within the grammaticism? Is the answer found in the word choice and style? Can the answer be found in correct punctuation, excellent examples, and vivid imagery? For some, the answer to these questions, and others of this same nature would be a resounding “yes”. However, for the Anonymous Lady (a.k.a. the Amorous Lady), the answer would, indefinitely, be “no”. The Anonymous Lady published poems which were included in “The Barbados Gazette”. Very little is known about her, hence the name, but what scholars have gathered is that she was probably a well-known London poet whose work was prevalent during the 1720’s. Her poetry challenged the restrictions placed on her by male writers and in her works, she ...